September Meeting Sept. 4 at 7:00pm at Ron McLean Park in SE Burnaby. The parking lot is just south on Hedley Ave. from Rumble St. From Edmonds Skytrain station walk five minutes west -- follow the tracks north and then go west down the trail between the creek and the townhouse complexes to the park.
Note: there are no regular meetings in July and August.
Spawner Monitoring, Mid-October - December, 2017 Streamkeepers patrol the creek regularly to monitor returning chum and coho salmon. NOTE: Please do not harass the fish. It's OK to watch from the path, but do not enter the creek or trample plants. Streamkeepers have been trained to assess spawners, and when we find dead salmon after they have spawned, we record statistics for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. We cut salmon carcasses in half so that we don't double count them, and return them to the creek where they provide nutrients for other animals and plants.
Juvenile Fish Trapping: we trap, tabulate and release juvenile coho salmon and resident trout twice a year. This is a two-day excercise. We've completed our late winter/early spring round, and the next trapping dates will be determined later in the year.
Ongoing Bug Counts to Assess Water Quality: Streamkeepers regularly do surveys of aquatic insects in the spring and autumn to assess the quality of the water and habitat in the creek. After collecting samples, we count the bugs while drinking coffee, tea and juice, and eating muffins, so it's also a fun social event. We usually go out on three or four Saturday and/or Sunday mornings during each cycle. Contact the Bug Team if you're interested. Note: the next 2016 count will likely be scheduled for late winter/early spring.
Ongoing Control of Invasive Plants: Streamkeepers constantly battle invasive plants. The Byrne Creek watershed has Japanese Knotweed, Policeman's Helmet, English Ivy, Himalayan Blackberry, Lamiastrum, Morning Glory, Scotch Broom.... All of which out-compete native plants, and even choke the creek. Volunteers meet on evenings and weekends, and if you'd like to get announcements send an email to the Invasive Plants Team.
NOTE: This section needs updating! Hope to catch up on 2010 through 2016 activities soon :-)
Invasive Plant Presentation, Nov. 17: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers hosted a presentation on invasive plant species by the Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver, Saturday, Nov. 17, starting at 10:00 a.m. at the Tommy Douglas Library near the corner of Kingsway and Edmonds in SE Burnaby. It was a very interesting presentaion, with great ID and treatment advice.
Alta Vista Community Picnic, Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012, 10:00am to 2:00pm: We had our information booth and aquatic bug display set up at this fun family event in Alta Vista Park at the corner of Royal Oak and McKee in SE Burnaby.
World Rivers Day: Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011 at the Burnaby BCIT Campus, 11:00-3:00. We had our booth at this great family event.
Byrne Creek Cleanup!: Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011. We met at the Edmonds Skytrain Station parking lot, and filled a dumpster to overflowing. Thanks to nearly 40 participants who volunteered!
Juvenile Fish Trapping: Saturday/Sunday Oct. 15 and 16, 2011. We trapped, tabulated and released juvenile coho salmon and resident trout. A total of 44 salmonids were tallied, including 8 coho.
World Rivers Day in Burnaby on Sunday, Sept. 26, was held in Fraser Foreshore Park near
Byrne Creek.
Summer BBQ: August 19, 6:00-9:00 pm. We enjoyed our summer potluck BBQ, and presented four certificates of appreciation: 3 Honourary Lifetime Memberships to founder Bert Richardson, Bob Fuller and Lloyd Longeway, and a Leadership Certificate to Joan Carne for having chaird our group for over a decade.
Spawner Monitoring, Ongoing October - December Streamkeepers patrolled the creek regularly to monitor returning chum and coho salmon. Streamkeepers have been trained to assess spawners, and when we find dead salmon after they have spawned, we record statistics for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. We cut salmon carcasses in half so that we don't double count them, and return them to the creek where they provide nutrients for other animals and plants.
Regular Meeting, Thursday, Nov. 12: We met to catch up on creek reports, spawner reports, to review recent events and activities, and plan upcoming events.
Burnaby Now Photo Op/Article, Thursday, Nov. 3: Several streamkeepers met with a Burnaby Now photographer for a photo op on salmon returning to spawn in the creek, and an interview. We receieved front-page coverage!
IRPP Working Lunch on BC Water Smart Plan, Thursday, Oct. 29: A streamkeeper representative attended this event to listen to speakers on provincial and national water policies.
Rain Garden Planning Meeting, Thursday, Oct. 22: Representatives met with City of Burnaby staff, Taylor Park School staff, and consultants to review tentative plans and brainstorm ideas about an upcoming rain garden/biofiltration facility in the neighbourhood.
Greater Vancouver Invasive Plant Council Fall Forum, Thursday, Oct. 15: A representative attending this event to network and share information about invasive plants, and ongoing activities to control them.
Regular Meeting, Thursday, Oct. 8: We met to review recent events and activities, and plan the autumn schedule.
Edmonds Clean Sweep, Saturday, Oct. 3: Streamkeepers took part in the Edmonds Clean Sweep. We met in the parking lot of the Edmonds Skytrain Station and focusing on the surrounding area and the ravine park.
Pulling Together: Musqueam Coho Restoration Forum, Sept. 30: Several streamkeepers attended this event that brought together First Nations, the Pacific Salmon Foundation, Fisheries and Oceans, stewardship groups, and others.
Rivers Day, Sept. 27: Streamkeepers had our booth set up at the annual BCIT and City of Burnaby event. It was a gorgeous day!
Alta Vista Community Picnic, Sept. 19: Streamkeepers had our booth set up at this annual community event. Kids loved looking at aquatic bugs we collected from the creek.
Gravel Cleaning Demo, Sept. 17: Several streamkeepers attended a gravel-cleaning demonstration with the Pacific Streamkeepers Federation and Streamside Systems.
Adera Green Walk, Sept. 13: Streamkeepers took part in a tour of the neighbourhood for new residents of Adera's Green development near Taylor Park.
Thursday, Sept. 10: Regular Meeting We met to review summer activities, and planned future events.
Spawning Channel Gravel Cleaning, Sept. 6, 20: Streamkeepers manually cleaned gravel in the artificial spawning channel in preparation for spawning salmon returning this autumn.
Adera Green Opening Reception, Aug. 27: Streamkeepers attended this reception for new residents of Adera's Green development and chatted about streamkeeper activities. We also arranged to assist in a tour of the neighbourhood for new residents.
City of Burnaby Cleans Spawning Channel Pools, Aug. 24, 25: The City of Burnaby hired a Vactor truck to suck accumulated silt and muck from two pools in the artificial spawning habitat.
Fish Trapping, Aug. 22, 23: Streamkeepers set traps in the creek to assess resident species and sizes of fish. NOTE: It is illegal to trap fish and we do so under the auspices of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Summer Bug Counting, Aug. 2, 9, 16: Streamkeepers sampled and assessed bugs from the creek to help determine water quality. As usual, this urban creek rated Poor to Marginal, likely due to pollution washing off of roads and parking lots into drains.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009, Rivers Day Planning: Streamkeepers also representing the Stream of Dreams Murals Society met with staff from BCIT, the City of Burnaby, and other environmental groups to start planning World Rivers Day events for autumn.
Saturday, June 20, 2009, Richmond Park Open House: Several streamkeepers attended this open house on designs for the new Richmond Park upgrade, and suggested street-edge swales around the park and other watershed-friendly ideas.
Thursday, June 18, 2009, Drain Marking: Streamkeepers marked drains on roads and parking lots in southeast Burnaby with yellow fish to remind people that all drains lead to fish habitat.
Monday, June 15, 2009, Drain Marking: Streamkeepers marked drains on roads and parking lots in the Edmonds Skytrain Station area and City in the Park with yellow fish to remind people that all drains lead to fish habitat.
Saturday, May 30, 2009, Invasive Plant Removal: Streamkeepers led an event to remove invasive English Ivy from along the creek. Thanks to the Telus volunteers and City of Burnaby folks!
May 15, 16, 17, 2009: SEP (BC Streamkeeper) Workshop. Several Byrne Creek Streamkeepers attended this great workshop which takes place every two years. This year it was in Maple Ridge.
Thursday, May 14, 2009: Regular monthly meeting.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009: Coho Smolt Release. Students from Chaffey Burke school helped release about 2,500 coho smolts (yearlings) in the creek, provided by DFO and the Bell-Irving Hatchery at Kanaka Creek.
Saturday, May 2, 2009: 10:00am - Noon. We took part in the Edmonds Clean Sweep. We had our booth set up at the Edmonds Skytrain Station parking lot in southeast Burnaby, and capped the event with the free wrapup BBQ for participants at Eastburn Community Centre on Edmonds St.
Thursday, April 30, 2009: Streamkeeper representative attended a Regional Biodiversity Forum sponsored by Metro Vancouver and BIEAP-FREMP
Tuesday, April 28, 2009: Chum Fry Release. Students from Stride and Taylor Park schools helped release chum salmon fry in the creek, provided by DFO and the Bell-Irving Hatchery at Kanaka Creek.
Friday, April 24, 2009: Streamkeeper representatives attended the City of Burnaby's wonderful Volunteer Recognition Night. Great networking and great food!
Saturday, April 18, 2009: We had our booth set up at Choices in the Park for their Earth Day BBQ, and led a couple of tours of Byrne Creek. Thanks to Choices for hosting this fun event!
Thursday, April 16, 2009: Streamkeeper representative attended the Greater Vancouver Invasive Plant Council AGM and Forum.
Late March to April, 2009: Fry Patrols -- streamkeepers kept an eye on the creek to watch for baby salmon popping out of the gravel after last autumn's spawning season. Coho salmon fry were spotted and identified on April 13, 2009.
Thursday, April 9, 2009: Regular monthly meeting.
Saturday, March 28, 2009: Training session for streamkeeper members on taking the public on tours of Byrne Creek and explaining how the watershed functions.
Thursday, March 12, 2009: Regular monthly meeting. Crystal Campbell and Laurel Morgan from Kerr Wood Leidal spoke about stormwater management, integrated stormwater management plans, etc.
Thursday, March 12, 2009: Streamkeepr representative attended the Surrey Water Balance Forum on progressive development practices to protect watersheds.
Late February to early March, 2009: Streamkeepers met several consecutive weekends to conduct twice-yearly "bug counts" of aquatic invertebrates that give an indication of water quality in the creek.
Thursday, Feb. 12, 2009: Regular monthly meeting. Dr. Ken Hall from the UBC Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability spoke on monitoring water quality in urban streams in the lower mainland.
Thursday, Jan. 8, 2009: Regular monthly meeting. Guest speaker Wayne Saito, Senior Fisheries Advisor for the BC Ministry of Environment - Oceans and Marine Fisheries Branch, spoke about fish stocks, spawning escapements, and sustainable fisheries.
October to December, 2008: Streameepers patrolled the creek daily to look for spawning salmon. When we found dead salmon we measured them, cut them open to see if they had spawned, cut them in half and returned the carcasses to the creek so their nutrients would support other life.
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2008: Regular monthly meeting. We shared tea and munchies, while looking back at the year ending, and looking forward to the year soon beginning.
Friday, Nov. 28, 2008: Streamkeepers Joan Carne and Paul Cipywnyk appeared in a CBC Radio interview on the state of urban streams, and the success of this year's spawning run in Byrne Creek.
Thursday, Nov. 13, 2008: Regular monthly meeting.
Thursday, Nov. 12, 2008: Assisting the Pacific Streamkeepers Federation in moving to a new location.
Thursday, Oct. 9, 2008: Regular monthly meeting.
Saturday, Oct. 4, 2008: Streamkeepers took part in the neighbourhood Clean Sweep sponsored by the Edmonds Town Centre Business and Community Association.
Rivers Day, Sept. 28: A few streamkeepers set up our booth at this annual event. This year the site was Guichon Creek on the grounds of BCIT. It was a gorgeous day and we talked to plenty of people about streamkeeping objectives and activities, while another group of our volunteers tackled invasive plant species along Byrne Creek.
Night of 2008 Lights, Sept. 19: We participated with our fish and other animal lanterns in this amazing event on the grounds of the Shadbolt Centre at Deer Lake Park.
Meeting with Burnaby Engineering, Sept. 17: Several streamkeepers met with senior staff from the City of Burnaby's Engineering Department to discuss several issues regarding the creek and maintaining the artificial spawning habitat.
Alta Vista Park Community Picnic, Sept. 13: We had our booth set up at this fun community event. Kids love our interactive display of aquatic bugs!
Thursday, Sept. 11, 2008: Regular monthly meeting.
MP and MLA tour creek, Sept. 10: Streamkeepers took MP Peter Julian and BC MLA Raj Chouhan on a tour of the upper Byrne Creek watershed this afternoon to view some proposed project sites. Peter and Raj have toured Byrne Creek ravine and the artificial spawning habitat previously, but this time we concentrated on the "creek beneath the streets" -- the upper part of Byrne Creek that has long been buried and piped into the storm drain system. We took the opportunity to talk about the possibility of daylighting (bringing the creek back up from pipes) in Ernie Winch Park, and creating a rain garden/biofiltration facility at the lower end of Southpoint Dr.
Sediment Pond Cleanout, Sept. 3, 4: The city cleans out the sediment pond in the Byrne Creek spawning habitat every two years. Streamkeepers helped city and Envirowest staff trap, count and remove cutthroat trout and coho yearlings from the pond before it was drained and the accumulated sediment was removed.
Gravel Cleaning, Aug. 3, 10, 17: Streamkeepers got permission from the Department of Fisheries to manually clean gravel and cobble in the artificial spawning habitat on Byrne Creek. It was physically rewarding, wet, work, with boots, rakes and spades!
July and August, 2008: Streamkeepers spent several weekends removing invasive plant species including Himalayan Blackberry, Morning Glory, English Ivy and Scotch Broom from the riparian zone along the creek.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008: Streamkeepers had their booth set up for Canada Day celebrations at the Burnaby Village Museum.
Saturday, June 28, 2008: Streamkeepers took part in the Ugly Bug Ball sponsored by DFO Community Advisors to share info and exchange ideas on using art in streamkeeper-related education.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008: Streamkeepers took new members on a creek tour starting at 5:45 p.m.
Sunday June 15, 2008: Streamkeepers put in a total of 32.5 volunteer hours removing invasive plant species including Himalayan Blackberry, Morning Glory, English Ivy and Scotch Broom that were overwhelming native plants and trees near the access ramp on Southridge Dr.
Thursday, June 12, 2008: Regular monthly meeting.
Sunday, June 8, 2008: Several streamkeepers attended the City of Burnaby's 2008 Environment Awards. Byrne Creek streamkeeper Joan Carne received an award for community service.
Sunday, June 1, 2008: Streamkeepers took a group of Ismail youth on a tour of the creek. They also pitched in on removing invasive plant species as part of a day of volunteering by their community.
Thursday, May 22, 2008: Streamkeepers had our booth set up at the South Burnaby Secondary RebelFest.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008: Girl Guides helped streamkeepers mark rain drains with yellow fish near Clinton Elementary school.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008: Girl Guides helped streamkeepers mark rain drains with yellow fish near Armstrong Elementary school.
Thursday, May 8, 2008: Regular monthly meeting.
Saturday, May 3, 2008: Streamkeepers took part in the neighbourhood Clean Sweep sponsored by the Edmonds Town Centre Business and Community Association.
Saturday, April 26, 2008: Several streamkeepers took part in a neighbourhood cleanup sponsored by the Kingwsay Imperial Neighbourhood Association.
Thursday, April 24, 2008: In the morning, streamkeepers helped kids from South Slope Elementary release their Salmon in the Classroom chum fry, and in the afternoon, the same with kids from Kenneth Gordon.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008: Streamkeepers and schoolchidren from Clinton Elementary released chum salmon fry into Byrne Creek. The fish were supplied by the Bell-Irving Hatchery at Kanaka Creek.
Sunday, April 20, 2008: Streamkeepers took part in an Earth Day event at Choices in the Park. We had our booth set up and took people on tours of the creek and ravine. Choices put on a wonderful salmon BBQ.
Friday,, April 18, 2008: Several streamkeepers took part in the Burnaby Parks, Recreation and Culture volunteer recognition dinner.
Thursday, April 17, 2008: Several streamkeepers took part in a BC Parkway forum on redeveloping the cycling/walking path beneath the SkyTrain. We pushed for stormwater management features along the parkway such as rain gardens and bio-filtration ponds.
Thursday, April 17, 2008: Streamkeepers had a mini version of our booth set up at an employee Earth Day event at Pacific Blue Cross headquarters.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008: Streamkeepers set up a mini version of our booth at a Burnaby Host Lions Club meeting along with a Stream of Dreams Murals Society booth.
We talked about what the two groups do, and fielded many interesting questions from Lions members.Sunday, April 13, 2008: Our last spring bug count. We counted the bugs at the Choices event.
Sunday, April 13, 2008: Choices in the Park celebrated its sixth birthday with another "by donation" BBQ, with proceeds going to the Byrne Creek Streamkeepers. Thanks Choices! Staff put on an awesome BBQ while streamkeepers talked to passersby at thier booth.
Saturday, April 12, 2008: Choices in the Park celebrated its sixth birthday with a "by donation" BBQ, with proceeds going to the Byrne Creek Streamkeepers. Thanks Choices! Staff put on an awesome BBQ while streamkeepers talked to passersby at thier booth.
Thursday, April 10, 2008: Regular monthly meeting.
Sunday, March 16, 2008: Streamkeepers took a group of nearly 20 people on a tour of the creek and ravine park.
Sunday, March 16, 2008: Another bug count.
Thursday, March 13, 2008: Regular monthly meeting.
Friday, Feb. 29, 2008: Streamkeepers spoke at a sustainability event at Byrne Creek Secondary School.
Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2008: Several streamkeepers toured DFO community advisors and biologists through the artificial spawning habitat that was built as compensation when the construction of Southridge Dr. wiped out a key spawning area. The habitat and spawning channels have never been properly maintained, and we discussed ways of improving the situation.
Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008: Streamkeepers began our regular twice-yearly count of aquatic intertebrates (bugs) that indicate the quality of the water in the creek.
Friday, Feb. 22, 2008: Several streamkeepers attended a day-long workshop sponsored by the Musqueam First Nation and the DFO on restoring coho habitat in the lower mainland.
Sunday, Feb. 17, 2008: We pulled the traps we set the previous day and identified resident fish.
Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008: We pulled invasive plant species and wrapped trees with chicken wire against beavers. We also set traps for our annual fish trapping to see what's in the creek. NOTE: Trapping fish is illegal and we do so under the auspices of the DFO.
Thursday, Feb. 14, 2008: Regular monthly meeting.
Thursday, Feb. 7, 2008: Streamkeepers attended a City of Burnaby meeting to work on an Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP) for the Byrne Creek watershed.
Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2008: Streamkeepers met with staff at the Burnaby Village Museum. The museum's theme this year is "Restoration," including environmental work, and would like streamkeeprs to put up our booth at the museum's Canada Day event this year.
Monday, Feb. 4, 2008: Streamkeepers met to discuss the possibility of producing a Byrne Creek calendar.
Friday, Jan. 18, 2008: Many streameepers attended an open house celebrating the opening of a new office by the Stream of Dreams Murals Society.
Thursday, Jan. 10, 2008: Regular monthly meeting.
October to December, 2007: Streameepers patrolled the creek daily to look for spawning salmon. When we found dead salmon we measured them, cut them open to see if they had spawned, cut them in half and returned them to the creek so their nutrients would support other life.
Sunday, Dec. 16, 2007: Streameepers wrapped trees with chicken wire to protect them against beavers.
Thursday Dec. 13, 2007: Regular monthly meeting. We met at the Stream of Dreams Murals Society office and shared munchies and drinks.
Monday, Dec. 3, 2007: Streamkeepers attended the Burnaby roundtable of streamkeeper groups to share information.
Sunday, Nov. 25, 2007: Streameepers wrapped trees with chicken wire to protect them against beavers.
Sunday, Nov. 18, 2007: Streamkeepers wrapped trees with chicken wire in the spawning habitat to protect them against beavers.
Thursday, Nov. 8, 2007: Regular monthly meeting.
Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2007: Streamkeepers participated in another Byrne Creek ISMP meeting with the City of Burnaby and consultants.
Saturday, Oct. 20, 2007: Streamkeepers participate in the Clean Sweep organized by the Edmonds Town Centre Business and Community Association.
Thursday Oct. 11, 2007: Someone poured a toxic chemical down John Mathews Creek, a tributary of Byrne Creek, turing it flourescent yellow. Many fish died. Authorities traced the culprit and have initiated proceedings.
Thursday Oct. 11, 2007: Regular monthly meeting.
Sunday, Sept. 30, 2007: Streamkeepers participated in the City of Burnaby's Rivers Day event.
Friday, Sept. 15, 2007: Streamkeepers displayed their fish and wildlife lanterns at the Deer Lake Lantern Festival.
Friday, Sept. 14, 2007: Many streamkeepers attended the launch of the Salmon Train, a joint project by the Stream of Dreams Murals Society and the Rivershed Society.
Thursday Sept. 13, 2007: Regular monthly meeting.
Burnaby Cosmetic Pesticides Stakeholders Meeting, Sept. 10, 2007: Byrne Creek Streamkeeper representatives met with City of Burnaby staff, landscape companies, retailers and other stakeholders to consider a City initiative to develop a bylaw to restrict the use of cosmetic pesticides on private property.
Byrne Creek ISMP Stakeholders Meeting, Sept. 10, 2007: Byrne Creek Streamkeeper representatives met with City of Burnaby staff, consultants, and other stakeholders in the first of a series of meetings on developing an Integrated Stormwater Management Plan for the Byrne Creek watershed.
Invasive Species Removal, Several August weekends: Streamkeepers met on an ad hoc basis to tackle invasive Policeman's Helmet, Himalayan Blackberry, Scotch Broom, etc.
Summer Fish Trapping, August 11, 12: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers did their annual summer fish trapping to assess numbers and species of fish in the creek.
Summer Bug Count, Several July and August weekends: Streamkeepers met to sample and count benthic invertebrates (aquatic bugs) that give a good indication of water quality in the creek.
Invasive Species Removal, Several July weekends: Streamkeepers met on an ad hoc basis to tackle invasive Policeman's Helmet, Himalayan Blackberry, Scotch Broom, etc.
Storm Drain Marking, July 11: Streamkeepers marked rain drains in the watershed with yellow fish to indicate that all drains lead to fish habitat.
Canada Day, July 1: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers had their booth set up at this annual event at the Eastburn Community Centre at 7435 Edmonds St. in Burnaby. The main event at the booth was repainting of dreamfish in association with the Stream of Dreams Murals Society. Photos and more details on this blog.
Invasive Species Removal, Several June weekends: Streamkeepers met on an ad hoc basis to tackle invasive Policeman's Helmet, Himalayan Blackberry, Scotch Broom, etc.
June 14 Meeting: We reviewed our activities over the last month and discussed plans for the next few months.
Girl Guide Tour of Byrne Creek, May 23: Streamkeepers took a group of Guides on a tour of the creek. We talked about streamkeeping activities, urban biodiversity, the salmon lifecycle, and sustainability.
BC Stewardship Community Workshop, May 18-20: Several Byrne Creek Streamkeepers attended this biennial event at which DFO community advisors and volunteers from all over BC gather to learn and share. The 2007 workshop took place in Williams Lake. Details here.
Stoney Creek Great Salmon Sendoff, May 12: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers had their booth set up at this annual event at Stoney Creek School in north Burnaby near Lougheed Mall. It's always great fun.
May 10 Meeting: We reviewed our activities over the last month and discussed plans for the next few months.
Coho Smolt Release, May 8: Kids from Stride Ave. Community School and Kenneth Gordon helped release coho smolts (yearlings) into Byrne Creek. The fish were supplied by the Bell-Irving Hatchery at Kanaka Creek.
Chum Fry Release, April 24: Kids from Glenwood Elementary and Kenneth Gordon helped release chum fry into Byrne Creek. The fish were supplied by the Bell-Irving Hatchery at Kanaka Creek.
Burnaby Volunteer Appreciation Banquet, April 20: A couple of Byrne Creek Streamkeepers attended this annual event on behalf of the group. Burnaby honours the contributions of volunteers in making the city a better place to live.
Clinton SEA Forum, April 17: Several streamkeepers attended this information event and public forum on a City of Burnaby proposal to do a street-edge alternative pilot project on Clinton St. in southeast Burnaby. SEA designs replace standard curbs and drains with vegetated swales to improve rain infiltration into the ground and reduce runoff into nearby creeks, while also calming roadways and beautifying neighbourhoods.
Edmonds Clean Sweep, April 14: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers participated in this Edmonds neighbourhood event, signing up several dozen volunteers to clean areas of the ravine park and around Edmonds Skytrain station.
April 12 Meeting: Guest speakers from the City of Burnaby spoke about the city's Integrated Storm Water Management Plan for the Byrne Creek watershed.
Salmon in the Classroom Fry Release, April 5: Teacher Gary Thompson and his kids from South Slope Elementary released chum fry in Byrne Creek that they had raised though the DFO's Salmon in the Classroom program
Coho, Chum, Cutthroat Fry Identified, March 20: Streamkeepers netted, photographed, and released coho and chum salmon fry (babies born in Byrne Creek), and cutthroat trout fry. Note: It is illegal to net fish in the creek and we do so with the permission of the DFO. You can see photos on streamkeeper's blog.
March 8 Meeting: Guest speaker Greg Wilson, a fish biologist with the BC Ministry of Environment, spoke about steelhead recovery and habitat restoration. It was a very interesting talk, and he also addressed recovery efforts on the Cheakamus River following the August 2005 toxic spill when a CN train derailed on a bridge over the river.
Politicians Tour Creek, March 3: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers took our Member of Parliament, Peter Julian, Burnaby City Councillor Pietro Calendino, Burnaby Parks Commission Chair Paul McDonell and commissioner Alex Ng, and Burnaby RCMP S/Sgt. John Buis on a tour of the creek on March 3.
February 8 Meeting: Guest speaker Deborah Jones from the Cougar Creek Streamkeepers in Delta gave an excellent presentation on rain gardens and other simple means to reduce the impact of stormwater in urban areas on local creeks.
Winter Fish Trapping, Jan. 27/28: We conducted our regular winter fish trapping over the weekend and were very happy to find a total of 55 cutthroat trout in ten traps that we measured and released. This was particularly inspiring because all the fish in the creek were killed a year ago when someone poured a toxin into a rain drain (storm drain). Please note that trapping fish is illegal and we do so under the auspices of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for research purposes.
West Vancouver Streamkeepers, Jan. 18: Several Byrne Creek Streamkeepers attended a presentation hosted by the West Vancouver Streamkeepers. Patrick Lucey of Aqua-Tex Scientific Consulting gave an interesting talk on creek health and restoration.
January 11 Meeting: We reported on creek conditions and planned spring events.
December 14 Meeting: We reported on spawning salmon and reviewed the impact of the recent storms on the creek, particularly erosion and sedimentation. We also shared Christmas goodies and tea.
Spawner Monitoring, early October to December: Streamkeepers monitored returning spawners daily for about three months. Chum and Coho salmon started arriving by mid-October, and the run continued into late November. Salmon die after they spawn, and streamkeepers measured dead spawners, determined their species and sex, and checked if they had spawned. The carcasses were cut in half to ensure we do not double count, and were returned to the creek to provide nutrients to the ecosystem.
October 12 Meeting: We reported on creek conditions and planned our annual salmon monitoring schedule.
Rivers Day, Sept. 24: Streamkeepers took part in this annual event at a new location this year on Still Creek. Our aquatic bug identification table using a sample from Still Creek was a big hit with kids. Burnaby and Vancouver have great plans to revitalize the Still Creek watershed over the next few decades.
Night of 2006 Lights, Sept. 16: We participated yet again with our fish and other animal lanterns in this amazing event around the Shadbolt Centre at Deer Lake Park. It just keeps getting bigger and better.
Alta Vista Park Community Picnic, Sept. 16: We had our booth set up at this community event on Royal Oak a few blocks south of Rumble. This long-running annual fundraiser to maintain and improve this small playground is always great fun. Kudos to the organizers for their impressive prize draw!
Taste of Edmonds, Sept. 4: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers had their information booth set up at this annual community event near Southside Community Church at Arcola and Walker in southeast Burnaby.
Sediment Pond Cleanout, Sept. 1, 4: The city cleans out the sediment pond in the Byrne Creek spawning habitat every two years. Streamkeepers helped city staff and Envirowest staff trap, count and remove cutthroat trout and coho yearlings from the pond before it was drained and the accumulated sediment was removed.
Invasive Species Removal, Aug. 2, 10, 17, 19: Streamkeepers met on an ad hoc basis to tackle invasive Policeman's Helmet, Himalayan Blackberry, Scotch Broom, etc.
Storm Drain Marking, May 30, June 3, June 14, Aug. 14, Aug. 23: Streamkeepers marked storm drains in southeast Burnaby with yellow fish. On several occassions we were joined by local Scout and Guide groups. Thanks!
Summer Fish Trapping, July 25, 26: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers did their annual summer fish trapping to assess numbers and species of fish in the creek. Results were much lower than in previous years, but still positive considering the toxic spill that wiped out the creek in February this year.
Summer Aquatic Invertebrate Surveys, July 8, 23, 30: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers did their summer bug count in the creek over three weekends.
Canada Day, July 1: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers had their booth set up at this annual event at the Eastburn Community Centre at 7435 Edmonds St. in Burnaby.
Removing Original Stream of Dreams, June 27:The original Stream of Dreams mural at the corner of Kingway and Edmonds in Burnaby came down on June 27 after six years of charming the community. Byrne Creek Streamkeepers assisted in dismantling the mural that they helped create in 2000 to honor the deaths of 5,000 fish and other animals in Byrne Creek in 1998 when someone dumped a toxin into a storm drain. For details please see this press release. We encourage suggestions as to where the salvaged Dreamfish can go.
Ugly Bug Ball, June 17: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers attended this second bi-annual all-day event put on by Department of Fisheries and Oceans Community Advisors. It was great fun!
Burnaby Environment Awards, June 11: Several members attended this annual event. This year, two Byrne Creek Streamkeepers won the award for Community Stewardship.
June 8 Meeting: We reported on creek conditions and planned summer events.
Invasive Plant Species Survey, May 27: Streamkeepers did an annual survey of invasvie plant species along Byrne Creek.
Moberly Elementary Release, May 15: We helped kids from the school release their "salmon in the classroom" chum fry, and talked about the importance of the riparian zone along the creek.
Stoney Creek Great Salmon Sendoff, May 13: We had our info booth up at this fun-filled event. See the Stoney Creek Environment Committee.
May 11 Meeting: We reported on creek conditions and planned spring events.
Coho Salmon Smolt Release, May 9: We invited children from Taylor Park elementary school to release smolts (yearling fish) into the creek.
Gladstone Secondary Tours, May 8 and 10: We took several classes of students from Gladstone High School on tours of the creek and ravine. We talked about streamkeeping activities, the impacts of development on streams, urban biodiversity, etc.
Burnaby Rhododendron Festival, May 7: We had our booth and a display of invasive plant species at this classic Burnaby event at the Shadbolt Centre in Deer Lake Park.
Chum Salmon Fry Release, April 25: We invited children from Clinton elementary school to release fry (baby fish) into the creek.
April 13, 2006 Meeting: We discussed creek reports, followed up on the fish kill at the end of February, and talked about upcoming events.
Edmonds Community Clean Sweep, April 8: Streamkeepers had their booth set up from about 9:30 a.m. in the parking parking lot at Edmonds Skytrain station for this event that ran from 10:00-12:00. We registered 42 volunteers and led them on cleaning up the area along Byrne Creek, and then joined other volunteers at noon at the Eastburn Community Centre on Edmonds St. for refreshments.
March 9, 2006 Meeting: We discussed the recent fish kill in the creek and planned activities including bug counts and creek tours for the coming months.
Feb. 26 - March 7, 2006 Fish Kill Activities: Streamkeepers worked with the City of Burnaby, the B.C. Environment Ministry, and the DFO in regard to the fish kill caused by a toxic substance being poured into a rain drain in the upper watershed in the Edmonds area. Over 300 dead trout and a few coho were collected, and fish trapping after the spill resulted in no signs of life in the upper creek, and only a few fish in the lower reaches.
Streamkeepers discovered hundreds of dead trout and salmon in the creek on Sunday, Feb 26. You can download a report (500K PDF file) about the kill. We also have a 25-minute FM107.9 interview available here (2.9MB MP3 file). For ongoing news please check this blog, which is easier to update.
Feb. 9, 2006 Meeting: We discussed creek reports, including the sighting of salmonid fry the same day. The fry are likely chum, but are yet to be positively identified. We planned activities including bug counts and creek tours for the coming month.
Feb. 6, 2006 City Council Report: Streamkeepers presented the 2005 annual Byrne Creek Watershed Status Report (4.4MB PDF) to the Burnaby City Council.
Feb. 1, 2006 Parks Committee Report: Streamkeepers presented the 2005 annual Byrne Creek Watershed Status Report (4.4MB PDF) to the Burnaby Parks Committee.
Jan. 12, 2006 Meeting: Dr. Marvin Rosenau from the UBC Fisheries Centre entertained us with an enlightening presentation on the Fraser River white sturgeon. These remarkable fish can grow to 1,400 pounds, or around 640kg, and the oldest that he'd identified was nearly 140 years old! They are now protected in a catch-and-release only sport fishery, and over 25,000 have been tagged in an onging research program.
Dec. 8 Meeting: Two engineers from Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. spoke about stormwater management techniques, daylighting of urban creeks, and related topics. Members really enjoyed the presentation and asked many questions. A big thank you to KWL! We closed the evening with Xmas munchies and hot drinks.
Nov. 10 Meeting: We went over past events, discussed upcoming events, reported on spawner counts, and talked about setting up a water-quality monitoring program.
Edmonds Community Clean Sweep, Oct. 15: Streamkeepers joined in this event sponsored by the Edmonds Town Centre Business and Community Association to clean up the Edmonds area of Burnaby. We filled two dumpsters with garbage and invasive ivy.
Oct. 13 Meeting: We set up a schedule for volunteer spawner-monitoring patrols, discussed cleaning up the spawning channel, recapped past events and talked about upcoming events.
Rivers Day, Sept. 25: Rivers Day goes international! Started in British Columbia 26 years ago, Rivers Day has been approved by the United Nations as a global event. We had our information booth set up at Foreshore Park in south Burnaby near Byrne Road.
Night of 2005 Lights, Sept. 17: We participated with our fish and other animal lanterns in this amazing event around the Shadbolt Centre at Deer Lake Park.
Alta Vista Neighbourhood Festival, Sept. 17: We had our booth set up at a community picnic in Alta Vista park on Royal Oak south of Rumble St. from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Sept. 8 Meeting: We reported on summer activities and events, and began planning for the busy autumn season.
Taste of Edmonds, Sept. 5: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers had their information booth set up at this annual community event.
Juvenile Fish Trapping, Aug. 10-11: We set Gee traps in the creek to see what kind of fish we have. While we got a few coho salmon smolts and cutthroat trout, results were not as good as in previous summer trappings.
Canada Day, July 1: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers had their booth set up at this annual event at the Eastburn Community Centre at 7435 Edmonds St. in Burnaby.
Environment Week Events, June 11 & 12: Burnaby streamkeepers had a joint booth set up at the City of Burnaby's Eco Fair and trunk swap at Central Park on June 11 from 10:00 - 2:00. The next day Byrne Creek Streamkeepers had an invasive plant removal bee starting at 9:00 a.m., meeting at the habitat at the corner of Byrne Road and Meadow Ave. in southeast Burnaby. We also participated in the unveiling of the city's salmon eco-sculptures and environment awards at Burnaby's Foreshore Park from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
June 9 Meeting: We finalized our new May 2005 Byrne Creek Watershed Status Report and discussed plans for removing invasive plant species, Environment Week, and other summer and autumn events.
Burnaby Streamkeepers Roundtable, May 30: Groups from Burnaby reported on their local creeks and shared information.
Moberly Elementary Release, May 25: We helped kids from the school release their "salmon in the classroom" chum fry, and talked about the salmon life cycle and the importance of the riparian zone along the creek.
B.C. Streamkeeper Conference, May 20-22: Many of us attended this educational and entertaining event in Squamish. More information here.
Stride School Orientation, May 13: We took two classes of grade six and seven schoolchildren on a tour of the watershed and talked about urban biodiversity, the salmon life cycle, and streamkeeping activities.
May 12 Meeting: Invasive plant species plans, native plant planting plans, Environment Week plans, other spring and summer event planning.
Stoney Creek Great Salmon Sendoff, May 7: We had our info booth up at this fun-filled event. See the Stoney Creek Environment Committee.
Gladstone Secondary tour, May 5: We took over 40 grade 11 students from Gladstone High School on a tour of the creek and ravine. We talked about streamkeeping activities, the impacts of development on streams, urban biodiversity, etc.
Coho Smolt Release, May 3: Streamkeepers helped the DFO and kids from Glenwood School release about 3,000 coho smolts in Byrne Creek.
Edmonds Community Clean Sweep, April 30: Streamkeepers joined in this event sponsored by the Edmonds Town Centre Business and Community Association to clean up the Edmonds area of Burnaby. We filled two dumpsters with garbage and invasive ivy, and planted 50 trees along the creek. Thanks to the 15th Horizontes-Burnaby Cub Group and all other community members who joined our team!
South Burnaby Secondary Green Team, April 29: Members of the Burnaby South Secondary Green Team joined streamkeepers on a tour of the creek and ravine, and helped us pull invasive ivy.
Chum Fry Release, April 26: Streamkeepers helped the DFO and kids from Suncrest School release 30,000 chum fry in Byrne Creek.
Ivasive Plant Removal and Replanting, April 17: With the city's approval we tackled invasive plants at the bottom of the ravine and replanted with native species.
April 14 Meeting: We reported on past activities and planned events for the increasingly busy spring season. We also discussed several issues of concern, including the use of Merit insecticide on chafers (it is highly toxic to aquatic bugs and is not supposed to be used anywhere where it can run off into aquatic systems - more info here), and rumours about more developed paths being planned in Byrne Creek Ravine Park.
South Slope Elementary Fry Release, April 14: Streamkeepers helped grade 1 & 2 students release chum fry (baby fish) they had raised in their classroom into Byrne Creek.
Girl Guides Orientation, April 13: Streamkeepers demonstrated several activities, including bug counting, juvenile fish trapping, and invasive plant species identification and removal to an eager group of Girl Guides.
Burnaby Parks Hazard Tree Tour, April 13: Several streamkeepers met with a Burnaby Parks arborist to discuss concerns about the removal of trees in Byrne Creek Ravine Park. He explained the city's policies, liability concerns, and how the arborists determine which trees have to be pruned or cut down.
Byrne Creek Fry Count, April 8: A couple of streamkeepers did a fry (baby fish) count in a section of the creek were we often find spawning salmon in the autumn and saw over 400 coho babies! You can find a longer report here.
Burnaby South Secondary Talk, March 31: One of our members talked to the Green Team at the Burnaby South High School about streamkeeping and the Byrne Creek watershed.
Let It Rain: A Conference on Managing Rainwater Runoff with Low Impact Development Methods, March 18: Byrne Creek streamkeepers attended this interesting conference at Douglas College Institute of Urban Ecology.
You can find one streamkeeper's report here.
Burnaby Streamkeepers Roundtable, March 14: Burnaby streamkeeper groups met at the Stoney Creek Environment Centre to share information, including salmon spawning reports for autumn 2004.
March 10 Meeting: We discussed plans for the increasingly busy spring season. We also reported on ongoing bug counts and the best juvenile fish trapping since we began keeping records.
Feb. 10 Meeting: DFO Community Advisor Maurice Coulter-Boisvert spoke on Department of Fisheries and Oceans community projects.
First Fry of 2005 Found, Feb. 8: Streamkeepers spotted salmon fry (babies) for the first time in Byrne Creek this year. It was an unusually early appearance, and exciting confirmation of the success of a record spawner run in autumn 2004.
Jan. 13 Meeting: Spawner count, activity and event planning. Discussed Department of Fisheries and Oceans Wild Salmon Policy draft. Feedback can be made on the Web at the previous link.
Dec. 9 Meeting: Reported on record returning salmon counts, began planning guest speakers and events for the new year, and shared Xmas goodies.
Edmonds Santa Parade Nov. 27: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers won a trophy at last year's inaugural event, and we added a float this year.
Salmon Migration Seminar, Nov. 18: West Vancouver Streamkeepers Society and North Shore Streamkeepers sponsored a special presentation by Dr. Kees Groot on Migration, Orientation, and Navigation of Pacific Salmon.
Nov. 16 Meeting: Reported returning salmon counts, painted fish on sticks for Edmonds Santa Parade.
City Council Presentation, Nov. 1: Streamkeepers presented their Byrne Creek Watershed Status Report (5MB PDF) to Burnaby City Council.
Byrne Creek Watershed Tour, Oct. 30: New streamkeepers and interested people learned about the watershed, what some of the issues are, and what streamkeepers do.
Ravine Park Girl Guide Tour, Oct. 20: Streamkeepers took Girl Guides on a tour of Byrne Creek Ravine Park. It was fun exploring the creek as darkness fell.
Burnaby Streamkeepers Roundtable, Oct. 18: Burnaby streamkeeper groups met at the Stoney Creek Environment Centre at 7:30 p.m. to share information. Chum and coho salmon are returning to Burnaby rivers and creeks.
Oct. 14 Meeting: We discussed upcoming events, and encouraged members to write letters to cabinet ministers to maintain funding for the Salmonid Enhancement Program run by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. There are rumours the funding will be cut. You can see contact information and a sample letter on one member's blog.
Rivers Day, Sept. 25/26: We participated in the 25th annual Rivers Day at the Fraser Foreshore Park at the south end of Byrne Rd. On Saturday night we set up our fish and wildlife lanterns, and had our information booth set up from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Sunday. It was a great event and we met many interesting, and intersting, people.
Night of 2004 Lights, Sept. 18: We displayed fish lanterns at the Night of 2004 Lights near the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts at Deer Lake Park. It was a blustery, rainy day and evening, however we brought tarps, ropes and ladders, and strung up a shelter under the trees for our lanterns. It poured late in the afternoon and early evening, and we were the only community group to show up! Streamkeepers are not afraid of getting wet :-).
Sept. 9 Meeting: We reviewed summer activities including removal of invasive plant species, fish trapping, cleaning out the sediment pond, water temperatures and quality, and discussed upcoming events.
A Taste of Edmonds, Sept. 6: We had our info booth set up at this community street festival organized by Southside Community Church.
Cleaning the Habitat Settling Pond, Aug. 16, 19: Volunteers helped the City of Burnaby and Envirowest clean out the settling pond above the artificial spawning and rearing habitat in Byrne Creek. We blocked off the ends of the pond and netted, counted and classified fish before the city dug out the pond.
Japanese Homestay Kids Remove Invasive Species, Aug. 14: A group of Japanese junior high school kids visiting Canada volunteered to help streamkeepers remove invasive plant species in Byrne Creek ravine. It was a lot of fun, and the organizers hope to make it an annual event.
Summer Bug Counting: Our summer weekend bug counts assessed water quality in Byrne Creek. Email the bug team if you're interested in helping out in the future.
Juvenile Fish Trapping, July 28-29: We set out Gee traps to see what kind of fish we have in the creek.
Annual Summer BBQ, July 18: Our annual summer BBQ was great fun, with able hosting at the Grange residence. Streamkeepers pigged out while more ambitious members began working on new lanterns for the Night of 2004 Lights to be held on Sept. 18.
Canada Day, July 1: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers had their booth set up at this annual event at the Eastburn Community Centre on Edmonds St. in Burnaby.
Ugly Bug Ball, June 26: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers attended this all-day event put on by Department of Fisheries and Oceans Community Advisors. It was a blast! Hope they do it again...
Byrne Creek Watershed Orientation, June 22: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers led a two-hour tour of the ravine park and salmon habitat, and were happy to see many new faces.
Canada Lands Planting, June 19: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers helped landscaping contractors plant new native vegetation at the northeast corner of Glenlyon Business Park. Thanks to Larry Morgan from Canada Lands Company for coordinating the event.
June 10 Meeting: We discussed plans for summer bug counting and juvenile fish trapping, along with preparations for the Ugly Bug Ball. The completed Byrne Creek Watershed Status Report for May 2004 was distributed to members.
Environment Week, May 31 - June 6: Byrne Creek Streamkeepers held an invasive plant removal on June 6 with the support of the City of Burnaby, and 26 people showed up.
Storm Drain Marking, May 26: Streamkeepers and Girl Guides painted yellow fish next to storm drains on the south slope of Burnaby.
Japanese City Councillor Tour, May 15: A group of city councillors from Okayama City in Japan toured the Byrne Creek watershed and learned about volunteer streamkeeper activities.
May 13 Meeting: Discussion centered on City of Burnaby development plans. The original Stream of Dreams art installation volunteers created in 2000 to commemorate the death of 5,000 fish and aquatic animals in Byrne Creek in 1998 is officially slated for redevelopment as a new library, and commercial/residential project. We want to make sure our voices are heard in the planning process, and that the dreamfish are incorporated into the site's new design. We also discussed continued input into development plans around the Byrne Rd./Marine Way intersection. The city's plan can be seen here.
Stoney Creek Great Salmon Sendoff, May 8: We had our info booth up at this fun-filled event. See the Stoney Creek Environment Committee.
Edmonds Community Clean Sweep, May 8: Yep, we covered two events in one day! The cleanup ran from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Streamkeepers focused on the upper reaches of Byrne Creek. The event ended with munchies at Eastburn Community Centre on Edmonds St.
Coho Smolt Release, May 5: Kids from Stride Elementary released coho smolts into Byrne Creek under streamkeeper supervision. Thanks to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans which trucked the fish to the creek from the Bell-Irving Hatchery at Kanaka Creek.
Noons Creek Fingerling Festival, May 1: We had our info booth up at this event.
Chum Fry Release, April 27: Kids from Nelson Elementary released chum fry into Byrne Creek under streamkeeper supervision. Thanks to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans which trucked the fish to the creek from the Bell-Irving Hatchery at Kanaka Creek.
April 20: BC MLA Patty Sahota mentioned the Byrne Creek Streamkeepers and the Stream of Dreams in the provincial legislature as examples of succesful, hard-working volunteers! Speaking about the Burnaby Festival of Volunteers organized by Volunteer Burnaby, Sahota said: "Many people volunteer because it allows them a chance to give something back to their neighbourhood or to their community. Organizations like the Byrne Creek Streamkeepers are a prime example of volunteers who have shown dedication and determination in the face of adversity and have won the support of the community with their Stream of Dreams." You can find the full Hansard entry here.
South Slope School fry release, April 7: Streamkeepers helped grade 1 and 2 students from South Slope Elementary to release chum fry that the kids had raised in their classroom into Byrne Creek.
Burnaby Streamkeepers Roundtable, April 5: Streamkeeper groups gathered to share information at the Stoney Creek Environment Centre.
Glenwood Elementary Flea Market, April 3: Streamkeeper volunteers had the Byrne Creek booth set up at this event.
Byrne Creek Streamkeepers 5th Anniversary, April 1: Nearly 50 people gathered at the Edmonds Community Centre for this celebratory potluck bash. It was a great success. Streamkeepers honoured Maurice Coulter-Boisvert, our Department of Fisheries and Oceans advisor for his ongoing support, and Bob Fuller, Bert Richardson and Lloyd Longeway, the "old timers" who got the ball rolling decades ago.
Bug Counting, Feb./Mar. weekends: Streamkeepers collected samples from the creek and classified and counted bugs to measure water quality. The early spring cycle is done, however if you'd like to join the fun for the second count later in the year, email the bug crew.
New Fry, Feb. 29: Streamkeepers spotted fry on Feb. 29, and on March 2 identified them as coho. Only a few coho returned to spawn last autumn, so this is exciting!
Photo by Yumi Kosaka
Juvenile Fish Trapping, Feb. 21-22: Every year we set out Gee traps to see what kind of fish we have in the creek before new fry hatch. We were down a bit this year as you can see in this Excel spreadsheet created by David Burkholder.
Safety In Our Community Meeting, Feb. 16: Many streamkeepers attended the meeting and spoke with RCMP officers and city planners about concerns with the impact of CPTED measures on riparian habitat and creek water temperature due to opening up the canopy.
Feb. 12 Meeting: Ian Wasson and Jennifer Kay from the City of Burnaby planning department gave a presentation on CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) and future development plans in the Edmonds/Byrne Creek Ravine area. They suggested that if streamkeepers were concerned about the impact of CPTED, they should attend the Safety In Our Community Meeting on Monday, Feb. 16 at 7:00 p.m. at Edmonds Community School on 18th Ave.
Refreshing Creek Location Tags, Jan. 31 and Feb. 7: Streamkeepers re-set, re-flagged, and re-documented tags that indicate locations along the creek.
Spawner Monitoring, Oct. - Dec.: We have not seen any spawners since early December. Streamkeepers patrolled the creek and spawning habitat daily to watch for returning salmon. When we found dead spawners, we measured them and cut them open to see if they had released their eggs (females) or milt (males). Dogs? Try to keep your owners out of the creek until spring when the eggs will hatch. Woof! Thanks :-).
Returning Spawner Counts as of Dec. 31 | ||
Sighted | Confirmed -- dead fish evaluated | |
Chum | 58 | 56 |
Coho | 6 | 6 |
Read our press release on the start of the 2003 run. (PDF file 57 KB)
Ravine Cleanup, Dec. 13: Streamkeepers met at 9:00 a.m. at the footbridge below Southridge Dr. and cleaned up debris deposited in the creek and along the banks in the ravine park during the last several rainstorms. Bottles, styrofoam, plastic bags, broken glass, paper cups, wrappers, tennis balls, parts of a scooter, a shopping cart and several tires were collected.
December Meeting, Dec. 11: Cookies, cake, and an enlightening presentation by Larry Morgan from Canada Lands Company and Ian Whyte of ECL Envirowest Consultants Ltd. Larry and Ian talked about development in Glenlyon Business Park where Byrne Creek meets the Fraser River. Several initiatives were discussed, including installing an automated flood gate that would allow Fraser tides to flush the lower reaches of the creek, and give improved access for spawning salmon and ocean-going fry and smolts, as well as streamkeeper input in planning and planting native vegetation along the creek.
Lions Burnaby Santa Claus Parade, Nov. 29: Streamkeepers took part in this first-ever Christmas parade in the Edmonds area of Burnaby -- and we won a trophy for the most creative entry! The parade started at 10:00 a.m. and ended at the Eastburn Community Centre right at the top of the Byrne Creek watershed. See the official parade site for details.
Tynehead Hatchery Tour, Nov. 15: Thanks to Carol for leading streamkeepers on an interesting and educational tour! The hatchery raises coho, chum and chinook salmon that are released into the Serpentine River. See their website for more info.
Vancouver Aquarium SalmonFest, Nov. 1-2: Streamkeepers had our booth set up at this two-day event each day from 11:00-4:00. We met lots of people, and had a great time. Thanks to the Vancouver Aquarium!
Rivers Day, Sept. 28: We had our info booth set up for Rivers Day in the Fraser Foreshore Park at the south end of Byrne Rd. Festivities and events ran from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Night of 2003 Lights, Sept. 20: We displayed fish lanterns at the Night of 2003 Lights near the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts at Deer Lake Park. Admission was free, 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. Saturday Sept. 20.
Friends of Interurban 1223 Open House, Sept. 14: Several of our indefatigable members are also working on restoring this historic tram car. The Friends of Interurban 1223 (scroll down this linked page) have made amazing progress on Urby, and welcomed you to see the results of their efforts between 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Weir Construction, Sept. 13: We built a weir to provide better habitat for fish on Saturday, Sept. 13. See some photos of the construction.
A Taste of Edmonds, Sept. 1: We had our info booth set up at this community event at Southside Community Church, Arcola and Walker Sts. It's near the Stream of Dreams fish fence at the corner of Kingsway and Edmonds. Several of our volunteers began re-painting some of the badly faded fish on the fence. We tried to match the original designs painted by schoolchildren as much as possible.
The Streamkeepers bid a fond farewell to Junichi Yashiro, a staunch supporter of our activities, and the webmaster who initiated this website. Junichi was a Japanese student studying in Canada who returned home, and we're going to miss him. Mata ne? (See you again...) Let's go international! You can see Junichi's beautiful photos of the mountainous area around his hometown west of Tokyo on his website.